Florence, Italy
Kick-Off Meeting
26th - 27th March 2018

Output 2 - Ufficio scolastico per la Toscana

Transnational Meeting
Seville, Spain - 4th October 2018
Delivery of results - Output 1- National Report and Analysis of good practices
José Gonzalez Monteagudo

Delivery of result
Output 3: Module 6 Mathematics
Charalampos Lontos

Delivery of results - Output 2
Peer learning with teachers and school principals
Daniela Cecchi and Alessandra Papa

Output 3
Proposals and comparisons

Multiplier Event
Seville, Spain 5th October 2018

Alessandra Papa and Daniela Cecchi
USR Toscana, Italy

Sarah-Louise Mortansen
Videnscenter for Integration, Vejle Denmark
Viktoria Prekate
Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attica

QuaMMELOT - Team
LTT Activities
Athens, Greece 5th-9th November 2018

Quammelot Group at 1st Experimental Junior
High School of Athens

Math Laboratory at 1st Experimental
High School of Athens

Visit of the Open Accomodation Center of Eleonas

Discussion with Refugee Education Coordinators (RECs)

Presentation of the Greek educational system
LTT Activities
Vejle, Denmark
3rd-7th December 2018

Information Meeting on the Refugee issue

Presentation of the Greek educational system

Visit at Midtbyskolen - Vejle
Visit at Red Cross - Vejle
QuaMMELOT group at Café MellemFolk
(ActionAid) - Aarhus
Visit at the asylum center in Jelling

Working with robots at school:
KidsSimulator & VR
Presentation of Danish educational system at Municipality of Vejle

Status of QuaMMELOT Project
LTT Activities
Florence, Italy25th February - 1st March 2019

University of Florence
Presentation of the weekly programme in Florence

Oxfam Italy - Intercultural Walking

​Oxfam Italy Laboratories: Interactive Learning Communities (OSDE); Theatre Methods for Global Learning (T4L)

MCE - Educational Cooperation Movement
"Discovering the secret corners of Florence"

MCE - Educational Cooperation Movement
Sum up Laboratory at Florence University

Visiting of "Laboratorio Aperto di Cittadinanza Attiva”
and activities with immigrant students - Multicultural Lunch

Visiting the Uffizi Gallery with the Director Eike Dieter Schmidt

Transnational Meeting
Vejle, Denmark - 13th, 14th June 2019

13th June 2019 - Vejle Municipality
​Project status updates by all Partners

14th June 2019 - Vifin, Vejle
Proposal for Guideline (IO6) and discussing

14 th June 2019 - Vifin, Vejle
QuaMMELOT Partners - Meeting completion

Transnational Meeting
Athens, 23rd January 2020

23rd January 2020 - Athens
QuaMMELOT Partners - Meeting completion
Multiplier Event
Athens, 24rd January 2020

Last Transnational Project Meeting
(online due pandemic)
17th September 2020

17th September 2020
QuaMMELOT Partners online meeting
(from top left: Jacob Knudsen, Vifin DK; Ilaria Cavaciocchi, Florence University; Jose Gonzalez Monteagudo, Universidad de Sevilla; Georgios Kosyvas, Regional Directorate of Attica GK; Daniela Cecchi, RSO of Tuscany; Federica Lessi, Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo)

17th September 2020
QuaMMELOT Partners online meeting
Florence University équipe
(from left side: Maria Grazia Proli; Valentina Guerrini, Prof.ssa Raffaella Biagioli Project Coordinator, Elizabeth Guerin)

Final Event - International Conference
Florence, Salone dei Cinquecento
18th September 2020

18th September 2020
QuaMMELOT Final Event
(from left side: Dr. Roberto Curtolo, Regional School Office of Tuscany; Prof.ssa Ersilia Menesini, Head of The Dipatment FORLILPSI - Florence University; Prof. Luigi Dei Floence University Rector; Dr. Sara Funaro Municipality of Florence; Prof.ssa Raffaella Biagioli Project Coordinator, Florence University)

From the left side: Maria Omodeo, Tamgram; Prof. Raffaella Biagioli, Projct Coordinator, Florence University

From the left side: Alessandra Papa, Daniela Cecchi, Regional School Office of Tuscany

From the left side: Prof.ssa Raffaella Biagioli, Project Coordinator, Florence University; Prof. Jose Gonzalez Monteagudo, Universidad de Sevilla (connected to the event in conference call)

Georgios Kosyvas, Directorate for Primary and Secundary Education of Attica GK (connected to the event in confernce call)
Jacob Knudsen, Vifin Videnscenter for Education DK (connected to the event in conference call)

David Herrera, Universidad de Granada (connected to the event in confernce call)

From the left side: Sara Pagliai, Erasmus National Agency, INDIRE; Prof. Raffaella Biagioli, Project Coordinator, Florence University
Prof. Maria Ranieri, Florence University

From the left side: Alessandra Papa RSO of Tuscany; Elizabeth Guerin, Florence Univeristy; Raffaella Biagioli, Florence University; Daniela Cecchi, RSO of Tuscany; Maria Grazia Proli, Florence University; Valentina Guerrini, Florence University