QuaMMELOT Project
“Qualification for Minor Migrants Education and Learning Open access - On line Teacher-training” (2017-2020)
QuaMMELOT, Qualification for Minor Migrants Education and Learning Open access - On line Teacher-training (2017-2020) is a project promoted by Department of Science of Education and Psychology (University of Florence). The Partners of the project are: Regional Scholastic Office of Tuscany, Agency “Provincia Sviluppo Livorno”, University of Seville (Spain), Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education Attica (Athens, Greece), Vejle in Denmark.
QuaMMELOT’s aim is to promote and strength the skills of the teachers in order to facilitate scholastic integration of minor migrants, especially unaccompanied minors, and contrasting school dropout and disadvantage in learning. For these reasons, all the Partners together will create an European, formative, cooperative and free of charge online course on a platform for teachers of Secondary schools.
QuaMMELOT is aiming to create a unique, shared and free of charge training for European teachers and, indirectly for the benefit of adolescents (ages 11-17) having social and economical disadvantages, all of the involved in a process of research-action to co-design and develop new teaching-learning methods.
The project is innovative because it intends to provide tools for teacher training for an inclusive education of migrant students. The tool which is developed by the project is a online and free of charge training course what is sustainable and transferable.
The project contributes to trial tools that implement EU planning documents and the policies that Member States are building on the integration of migrants, especially minors, through education and training.
-conducting a national or regional survey on the presence of minor migrants at school (data on attendance at Secondary school, school dropout, rejection, on reception of difficulties encountered by teacher...);
- promoting the social integration of migrants and unaccompanied minors through inclusive scholastic education practices;
- equipping teachers with up-to-date and effective tools to promote the teaching and intellectual development of migrant children in Secondary schools;
- creating a modular online course of qualification for "Tutor for receving and inclusion of foreign minors and unaccompanied minors in Secondary schools" (240 hours);
- publishing and promoting the course on an Open Access Platform, on the websites of the institutions responsible at regional/national level;
- enhancing relations with the network of institutions and professionals for receving and support of migrants (educators, mediators, families, adoptive families and family homes for the unaccompanied minors) through meetings and focus groups;
- defining operational methods for school reception, for the promotion of active citizenship and knowledge, for relational strategies, for basic disciplinary teaching (mathematics, computer science, arts…) through peer learning practices among partner countries;
- testing the course on 80-100 teachers in the States of the Project and indirectly testing the practices adopted by 300 secondary school students;
- spreading the course in Secondary schools;
- improving learning outcomes and limit the early school leaving of migrant students;
- supporting and strengthening integration policies for immigrants who regularly reside in Members States